Why I Give: Bonnie James


Featured as part of our Donor Profile Series, Bonnie James explains why she gives to the work of the IRC. Read her interview below:

Monthly donations like Bonnie’s allow the IRC to ensure low-cost immigration legal aid services in the San Gabriel Valley and beyond, as well as educational events and connections to local community resources. For as little as $25/month you can underwrite the cost of legal services for one immigrant family. Become a monthly donor today!

Q: Can you tell us more about how you and your husband approach your giving?

My husband and I grew up in church settings and were taught about tithing and how that kind of giving helps fund community outreach. My husband gave 10% of his earnings to charities the moment he began his first job at age fourteen. We think of budgeting for donations as equally important as budgeting for our bills, because we know the value that organizations like the IRC add to the world.

Q: What would you say to younger donors who have student debt and feel they can't give?

If there is an organization that you believe in and want to give to, such as IRC, it’s okay to start with giving a small amount, like five dollars a month.  I have also found in non-profit work, there is always work to be done. If you really can’t afford to donate money, see if there is volunteer work you could do. A gift of time can be just as valuable as a monetary gift.

Q: What’s the emotional component to donating for you?

I grew up in a home where domestic violence was present. I know what it feels like to need help and not know who is safe to ask for that help. I am fortunate enough to be in a position now where I can give financially, and I want to pay things forward so that people are not left without the help they need. I can’t help everyone in all the ways I want to, so it’s immensely gratifying knowing my donations help do work in areas I want to see improvements made – like immigration support.

Q. Your method for choosing how you give is really creative! How do you decide who to give to regularly?

We’ve decided to tier our giving at local, national and international levels. We look for how the money is being spent. Online resources disclose budgets and senior staff pay, but we also check on how the organization engages with its target audience. In cases like domestic violence where anonymity is required, it can be a little less transparent, but generally we monitor how an organization engages with the community it serves. Small organizations like the IRC are so great because just about everything goes to the causes and people they help.

Sam Griffith